Adaptive Re-use Loft Apartments
We are experienced in the architecture & design of the adaptive re-use of older and historic buildings, particularly of residential lofts. This historic commercial building is located in the central business district of Opelika, Alabama.

Demand for space led our client to place a retail business in the street level suite and 3 residential apartments in the lofts above street level. Each of these units holds one bedroom and one bath, with a number of strategies employed to fit the spaces into the available configuration. Such a situation is typical of many older buildings, where a former use is no longer highest and best, yet where the architecture is still attractive and of value. We specialize in adapting these.

Another example, also in Opelika, faced the railroad and a primary commercial street, Railroad Avenue. In this instance, we planned for two units, almost mirror images of one another, one at the front & one at the rear. Our proposed layout for it is shown here.

Renovation of the exterior had begun, and is shown in our photo. As noted in our plan above, we proposed a second level iron porch, typical of Opelika traditional architecture prior to a 1940s tornado, now being re-implemented in many parts of the historic downtown.
Our architects have designed a number of adaptive re-uses of older historic buildings, not limited to residential lofts. Look for our adaptation of a former retail building to accommodate a law firm, as well. Call us for details at 678-643-0316 or 770-806-8866.